So what I'm giving you today is a run down of paganism and wicca, though I am not wicca as I don't follow the reed I will still cover it.
Now there is a popular saying that if you ask ten pagans what their religion is you'll get ten different answers, and this is true. Not one pagan is alike in their thoughts about the religion. There are dozens of different wicca and pagan groups in the U.S. today.
But first thing is first, there is no 'bible' for wicca/paganism nor a governing body. Though there is some ideals that transfer from one wicca/pagan to the next. Pagan's come from all walks of life, and don't have a certain look or way about them. Anyone you know can be pagan, and they all have their own reasons.
Since the religion doesn't recruit it may be hard to find a group in your area to ask about. So just be brave and ask about, find a show that sells incense and other things and chance is you'll find a pagan.
Now in traditional customs one would train for a year and a day, though as a solitary I did this, sort of. Since I could not completely train myself I read as many book s a possible. However if you find a coven don't think you know more, because in truth you don't.
The belief and use of magic is a staple within paganism, and is a pillar in the religion. The belief is that magic is not supernatural at all, but a natural thing in every persons life.
Be pagan does not mean you embrace the concepts of sin, heaven or hell, the evils of sex or nudity, confession, Satanism, animal sacrifice, or the inferiority of women. Paganism is a religion of self expression through a religious practice.
There are basic beliefs that go through every form of paganism, harm none, respect other's religions, The divine is everywhere in nature and us, the divine has both a male and female part, you are responsible for your own actions, and Holidays are based on the turning of the earth and the cycle of the seasons.
Now for an alter
On your personal Altar you should have the following;
An Altar Cloth (Center and Vail) – This helps to separate you from the mundane table. Black is good to absorb unwanted or extra energy.
A Censor (East and Air) – This helps to contain the smudge or incense that you use in the ritual or ceremony.
An Athame (South and Fire) – This helps you direct energy in ritual space.
A bowl of Water (West and Water) - This helps to hold the charged or blessed water.
A container of Sea Salt (North and Earth) – This helps to contain the Sea Salt.
A Pentagram Paton (Center and Spirit) – This helps for centering energies in ritual and charging tools for ritual.
Use Sage incense when in ritual. It’s a good basic incense to use because it helps to keep negative energies away.
Below is an example of how I set up my alter.

1 A bowl of salt
2 A bowl of water
3 A hand made small dish with jasmine oil for air.
4 A Candle
5 Is a stone box with a pentacle.
6 A goddess statue
7 A god statue
8 A wand
9 A athame
10 Twine for knot magic
This picture is my alter at college, the only picture I could find. There is no candle or athame, as I am not allowed to have those at school.

There are tons of books to read, and understand at bookstores and libraries. So read before doing anything. That is the point.