So term two is coming to a close and well...I'm glad for it. However, I am not ready to see my seniors go. Because well...I never want my seniors to go. I was the same way last year. But I didn't have as many friends in the Tens as I do the Elevens. But my big sister was in the Tens. <3 But so sad about that.
I cant wait for my classes term three. Because I'm taking two directed studies. One in Japanese Pottery and another in Printmaking. I'm really syched. It is going to be BAMF. XD
But other than that I have thing piling up fast. Have to write a paper for art history, and study for Latin. AND get all my illustration things done. It gets a little crazy at the end of the term. But having dealt with it for two point five years, I'm pretty used to it.
I'm happy to be an art major, but now I'm freaking out about my RETARDED timing. WHY OH WHY did I change so late. But I have a feeling that I'll get it done and good. But still freaking out a bit. :D