Today was quite interesting filled with a little bit of classwork, sun bathing, swimming and laughs.
I woke up happy, it's Friday until it hit me that I have a week to write 3 papers that are really long and driving me crazy. So now I'm trying to squeeze another page or so out of my tired brain before hitting the hay.
Thucydides is a pain in me hole. Virtually nothing in known about him other then he is Greek, from Athens, an aristocrat, and son of Olorus. That doesn't really help me. And he never traveled anywhere from what can be told from his History of the Peloponnesian war! He was so fixated on the war he never gave any accounts of social conflicts, economy issues or even the outside forces beyond the boarders of Greece that held weight in the war a.k.a. The Persians. It's just so frustrating. I have to milk at least four pages about him, his travels, his work, his style and his reliability. It's going to kill me.
How can we have busts of this man and yet have no information about him! It is just driving me completely mad! Herodotus was so much more easier to write about!!! UHG...
I'm going to bed....
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