So I'm re-reading the first Harry Potter book. Because apparently I have been tainted by the movies and the amount of fanfiction I have read. My view of actual canon had been skewed. So viola I am reading the first.
And whoa! Total reason to love my college it was in their library along with like every awesome book (though the Twilight monster was present) I was too excited to get Harry Potter, but I spied Petter Rabbit and I was like! HECK YEAH! I don't doubt that Lord of the Rings is up there too. But I was like doing the happy dance. YEAH! Harry Potter fest. And they have all of the moves and books. though I'm going to be avoiding the movies. Unless I want to Ogle over Alan Rickman,
(now that's a man) and possibly Radcliffe.
But I'm going back to my roots to try and well ya know get in touch with my love of the original characters. And work my way back up to the seventh book. Then I don't know I may attempt the twilight monster like my sister wants me to. >.> But I still have to read the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings first. (It's Hobbit Forming!! sorry blame my father)
<3 bad puns

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