Throughout life, I have had one constant companion, music. A wonderful friend understands my moods, and my life. Music is a cultural experience, which every human in the world understands. The importance of music in my life is huge. It influences my art, my writing and my day. I have over the years, collected a large amount of music that ranges from country, to screamo. It is a great ability to be eclectic.
It baffles me when I hear people bashing a music genre based on stereotypical traits that appear in the genre. An example; country is all twang and trains. Which it can be, but it is talking about normal everything about a small town life. My love of music is my soul.
It is a rare thing to see me without headphones or music playing in the open air, when I’m not in class Or something just as boring/important.
One thing I’ve learned from being so in love with music is that one should always search for new music. It is important to do so. Never turn away from a band that you’ve only heard one song of. For example I hated Taylor Swift for a while, because of my freshman year of college my across the hall neighbors played “Love Story” on repeat all day every day. I hated the song and then by osmosis I hated Taylor Swift. Soon I found that there were songs I liked from her, such as “White Horse”. Slowly I noticed that artists I previously disliked I began to like more and more.
Then I found myself going deeper into other types of music. I began to take in movies scores and they seemed to overpower my music library entirely.
I still seem to be collecting more and more music as my life goes on. Now I’m happy that I got a terra bite external drive. :D
On another subject, I have found that I seem to have concluded about life and everything. I mean life is a hard thing, everyone can understand that. Nevertheless, I think careful what you wish for, because wishes come true. They are not free. Wishes can lead you where you will be lost…and alone. However, no one is alone, really alone. You are always loved and always will be. Even when you don’t see it. I know sometimes life kicks you in the ass, and some people leave you in the middle of the woods. However, there is always someone there to grab your hand and pull you in the right direction.
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!