I've never been one to have a resolution. I'm not the follow through type. But I guess I should follow something up with some action. I hope to blog more this year, not only on this blog but on my other New blog.
A 365 Project, How exciting. Right???
But beyond that project, I want to put myself out there. Where I've never been. I've always tried to be safe and not to run screaming into the hills when something makes me feel awkward. I want to do things beside play on my computer and do class work. So here I am trying to make sure I don't fall through again. I'm going to enlist the help of family and friends to not only make sure I stay on track with my project, but also make me go out there and try new things.
So here we go, I'm going to start carrying a little book with me. Most likely a sketch book and update the blog when I feel Like I've gotten enough to write about. Which might be a week or a day. Never the same amount of time. Lets do this.
A person's travel from girl to woman, from student to real world. This is a frequently updated blog in the life of a girl named Adriane.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Art Block, and a PSA about Adriane
I've been trying to figure out what I should do this term, since all I have to worry about is classes this time. It seems very strange to be done with graduate school stuff. It consumed most of my first-term and now I'm at a loss what to do. Gods know what I'm to do, but I have no freaking clue. Video art is going to be a problem, since this time it's just me no real professor assignments. I'm thinking about doing lyric videos, waiting for my favorite songs and making artistic videos that show the lyrics, theme and feeling of the song that I am listening to. But I doubt it is legal.
Most of the time I think of the weirdest animations that hardly seemed possible. In fact they seemed impossible, so beyond my skill as possible meeting finish one animation let alone the amount I need for this class. I've always wanted to music videos and always thought that animation was the way to go; but now something is off. I didn't have the tools that I needed last term. So the thought that I could do more advanced animation is shot.
So I'm back to square one, of thinking of Art Ideas that I can clearly try and do easily and with more fun than last term. Which pulling teeth could be more fun than last term. I'm just at a loss. I was going to do my life in a (span of time). But I tend not to have an exciting life, so well this is what it is. And Elmira College doesn't have the more riveting social/political hubs. SO I'm screwed with my art there, though I think as long as I hand in something that I at least tried on it will get a decent grade.
Time lapse is a good idea, and I could think of some interesting ideas that aren't too complicated hopefully. Or start out with a simple walking loop animation and move up.I will figure it out hopefully.
On the other hand it is the Holidays, and family is close. Not always my favorite thing.
Now I'm going to tell everyone who might read this a fact. I DISLIKE CHILDREN. My family, because I stand my nieces and my blood related children. I don't like spending more than one maybe two hours top with them. Yes this is horrible but dude!! I really don't care that much for fussy, loud children. Now with that said, people need to stop assuming that because said children will be in my home that I will wake up at 6am when they get here and take care of them. I didn't volunteer to be their day care when their day care isn't available. My mother did, so look this is me washing my hands of it.
I DISLIKE CHILDREN!!! So there is a reason I will close my door and ignore the knocking at my door. I'm a college student, not Mary Poppins.
Friday, September 30, 2011
The Little Things
So it's Senior year, and I am freaking out over Grad school and getting my portfolio finished ( or even started) I'm just hectically trying to get my stuff together. Jeez.
In these last few weeks I've been seeing things from a new perspective. I watch my friends smile and be happy and it makes me happy by proxy. These little moments are important to me, even if they seem trivial and stupid. They are great memories of times filled with laughter and not stress. So I'm grateful for them.

Friends to me are lie life blood, and tend to keep me a float in times where I feel as if I'm going to drown in everything I have to do. Even when they come and go I tend to remember names for years, even memories seem fresh to me when I talk about them. It's strange I guess, to remember for so long. But I mean, I never remember the important things, like birthdays or schools, or where they live, I remember that one time we hid under opposite beds and played cards.
SO I assume that little things mean more to me than the big things, which can't be good for my future. But is GREAT for my art. Small things like flowers make me happy, and inspire my art. Or the changing of the leaves in fall. SO I guess I'm trying to be Cliche without being Cliche. I'm not going to say "Stop and smell the roses." But hey, look up at the sky once in a while, marvel at the vastness of the known and unknown universe. realize that your life is small compared to the world.
Realizing you aren't big and important makes it easier to see the little things for the beauty they hold, or at least for me they do.

Life is coming up quickly for me, and it's starting to hit me that this is my last year at E.C. and I'll be in Graduate school in the real world. And I don't know if I'm ready or not, but I'm pretty sure that I'll handle it some how....
In these last few weeks I've been seeing things from a new perspective. I watch my friends smile and be happy and it makes me happy by proxy. These little moments are important to me, even if they seem trivial and stupid. They are great memories of times filled with laughter and not stress. So I'm grateful for them.

Friends to me are lie life blood, and tend to keep me a float in times where I feel as if I'm going to drown in everything I have to do. Even when they come and go I tend to remember names for years, even memories seem fresh to me when I talk about them. It's strange I guess, to remember for so long. But I mean, I never remember the important things, like birthdays or schools, or where they live, I remember that one time we hid under opposite beds and played cards.
SO I assume that little things mean more to me than the big things, which can't be good for my future. But is GREAT for my art. Small things like flowers make me happy, and inspire my art. Or the changing of the leaves in fall. SO I guess I'm trying to be Cliche without being Cliche. I'm not going to say "Stop and smell the roses." But hey, look up at the sky once in a while, marvel at the vastness of the known and unknown universe. realize that your life is small compared to the world.
Realizing you aren't big and important makes it easier to see the little things for the beauty they hold, or at least for me they do.

Life is coming up quickly for me, and it's starting to hit me that this is my last year at E.C. and I'll be in Graduate school in the real world. And I don't know if I'm ready or not, but I'm pretty sure that I'll handle it some how....
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
What is beauty?
Fat, Fat, Fat, Chubby, chunky, I have heard these words my whole life, and it has affected me. Everyone knows that children are cruel, and life is harsh. However, I’ve seen the harshness of the world for a long time. As I am fat, not even going to gloss over it, physically guys don’t like me. Moreover, it does not help that people who are obsessed with weight surround me. So I’ve been depression googling, I am a pro at this pass time, and have seen a lot of people’s opinions. Such as
From Chad D. on yahoo answers.
“Fat can be a lot of things, sexy is not one of them. Lose some weight, you'll feel better, look better, be healthier.”
Or Chris on yahoo answers.
“NO categorically no
fat people are just plain repulsive back fat, stretch marks, overhang. they are NOT SEXY at all”
Or Smiling Beauty on Yahoo Answers.
“No matter how fat or thin you are if you like the way you look , you shouldnt care about anything! think about some anorexic skinny girls or girls with eating disorders, they are so thin but still not happy with themselves. They look like skeletons. if you feel you are sexy , just dont let others destroy your confidence! you know why these people are saying you this ? because these people are actually low esteem and inconfident people, who feel good by judging others bad....we should feel pity for these people....these people cant bear to see you happy( they are pathetic losers, who feel low seeing you so confident and sexy) YES there are many girls who are fat and sooooooooooooooooooooooo SEXY!!!! i bet even you are sexy : ) . Inner happiness is everthing! NO matter if a girl is thin or fat , if she carries herself in a good way thats all! i have seen some slim girls with no confidence at all and with a bad sense of style! and i have seen some chubby girls with a superb sense of dressing and an air of enchanting confidence. excellent and keep up your confidence!”
So my question always is, especially when I’m depression googling, will anyone ever love me for me. Out of a friendship type, or just a sex buddy type of ‘love’. I’ve never had a good boyfriend and have come across a lot of hate for my size. I believe that this is why I am so cold and angry. Being the way I am I have come to have a thick outer shell that is hard to break. I suppose that people have different opinions and can’t seem to accept that obesity and overweight people don’t all take this abuse sitting down.
The shit that covers the media drags girls like me down. In addition, it hurts to feel that stares and the laughter in people’s eyes. These people judge and point at our flaws because they’re visible.
What makes it worse is when people I love say I am not fat. When I stare at myself in the mirror, I feel so angry and I hate myself. I have been ‘thick’ for as long as I could remember. I can’t remember a time when I fit it, because of my height, or because of my weight. It was strange being the tallest and the most overweight. I know these loved ones mean well, and to them I’m beautiful and great. However, I cannot see it.
But one thing I guess people have to understand is that trying to fit into a mold that you can’t doesn’t help. Trying to lose weight through extreme dieting (like I have tried) or short bursts of exercising (guilty again) doesn’t help much either. It makes you feel like a failure, and depresses you. It helps to get healthy, and start out small.
Smaller portions, and less time spent sitting around. I tend to play video games a lot, and had for a long time, had the tendency to snack during these times. So I stopped snacking, a small change. I started drinking more water, and there you go.
But I don’t know.
To all those reading this who feel like I do, who feel unpretty and fat, well think about it you’re not alone. I’m here and you have to know that you are always loved. It may not always be apparent, or the way you want. But it’s there, and guess what. Even though there is a chance, I don’t know you, won’t talk to you, or cry with you. Guess what I love you. For all that you are, for the quirks and the flaws. For the person who is in your body. I love you completely with all my heart because we are kindred.
And to those who are rude and ridicule, I cast the first stone at you. Can you not see the ugliness that I behold in your soul? Didn’t think so.
A movie recommendation for all those who want to find love within themselves.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
life's blood
Throughout life, I have had one constant companion, music. A wonderful friend understands my moods, and my life. Music is a cultural experience, which every human in the world understands. The importance of music in my life is huge. It influences my art, my writing and my day. I have over the years, collected a large amount of music that ranges from country, to screamo. It is a great ability to be eclectic.
It baffles me when I hear people bashing a music genre based on stereotypical traits that appear in the genre. An example; country is all twang and trains. Which it can be, but it is talking about normal everything about a small town life. My love of music is my soul.
It is a rare thing to see me without headphones or music playing in the open air, when I’m not in class Or something just as boring/important.
One thing I’ve learned from being so in love with music is that one should always search for new music. It is important to do so. Never turn away from a band that you’ve only heard one song of. For example I hated Taylor Swift for a while, because of my freshman year of college my across the hall neighbors played “Love Story” on repeat all day every day. I hated the song and then by osmosis I hated Taylor Swift. Soon I found that there were songs I liked from her, such as “White Horse”. Slowly I noticed that artists I previously disliked I began to like more and more.
Then I found myself going deeper into other types of music. I began to take in movies scores and they seemed to overpower my music library entirely.
I still seem to be collecting more and more music as my life goes on. Now I’m happy that I got a terra bite external drive. :D
On another subject, I have found that I seem to have concluded about life and everything. I mean life is a hard thing, everyone can understand that. Nevertheless, I think careful what you wish for, because wishes come true. They are not free. Wishes can lead you where you will be lost…and alone. However, no one is alone, really alone. You are always loved and always will be. Even when you don’t see it. I know sometimes life kicks you in the ass, and some people leave you in the middle of the woods. However, there is always someone there to grab your hand and pull you in the right direction.
It baffles me when I hear people bashing a music genre based on stereotypical traits that appear in the genre. An example; country is all twang and trains. Which it can be, but it is talking about normal everything about a small town life. My love of music is my soul.
It is a rare thing to see me without headphones or music playing in the open air, when I’m not in class Or something just as boring/important.
One thing I’ve learned from being so in love with music is that one should always search for new music. It is important to do so. Never turn away from a band that you’ve only heard one song of. For example I hated Taylor Swift for a while, because of my freshman year of college my across the hall neighbors played “Love Story” on repeat all day every day. I hated the song and then by osmosis I hated Taylor Swift. Soon I found that there were songs I liked from her, such as “White Horse”. Slowly I noticed that artists I previously disliked I began to like more and more.
Then I found myself going deeper into other types of music. I began to take in movies scores and they seemed to overpower my music library entirely.
I still seem to be collecting more and more music as my life goes on. Now I’m happy that I got a terra bite external drive. :D
On another subject, I have found that I seem to have concluded about life and everything. I mean life is a hard thing, everyone can understand that. Nevertheless, I think careful what you wish for, because wishes come true. They are not free. Wishes can lead you where you will be lost…and alone. However, no one is alone, really alone. You are always loved and always will be. Even when you don’t see it. I know sometimes life kicks you in the ass, and some people leave you in the middle of the woods. However, there is always someone there to grab your hand and pull you in the right direction.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Hey you...I forgot about you....
Well not really forgot more got bored of life and have been ruling my Sims with an iron fist. Not that isn't a giant nerdy thing or anything. But as I was doing nothing, but ruling over my sims, writing some random thoughts for my book and sketching...and then eventually painting...I have been bored.
Over the past weeks, I have been to Key West (got sun burnt) and then done nothing really exciting. Life has been boring and sad. But other than that...nothing. HOWEVER!!!
I have been making leaps in bound in my writing, not only of fanfiction but my novel which has been sitting beside my computer JUDGING ME!! IT JUDGES!! But I will start with some nice information stuff...
As I've always dreamed of becoming a writer, I have been attempting to look into publishing. And wooo...it has been a chore. I will hopefully add some of my other 'storys' as they are now and add to them.
Over the past weeks, I have been to Key West (got sun burnt) and then done nothing really exciting. Life has been boring and sad. But other than that...nothing. HOWEVER!!!
I have been making leaps in bound in my writing, not only of fanfiction but my novel which has been sitting beside my computer JUDGING ME!! IT JUDGES!! But I will start with some nice information stuff...
As I've always dreamed of becoming a writer, I have been attempting to look into publishing. And wooo...it has been a chore. I will hopefully add some of my other 'storys' as they are now and add to them.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
My joy of cooking

Well school is over and I am home. A little worse for ware with a 3.1 average for the year and a little more time on my hands. (unless I get a job, which I haven't got a call back so...doubtful) Any way, most of my time will be spent cooking. Since I will be living with a full kitchen next and last year at college, I've decided to expand my cooking horizons. Now I've made dinner twice as a few desserts. But my Guru is my mother. A Great cook and somewhat bossy tutor. (Though she is my mother)
Barely home for a week and I'm just getting in the swing. I find that I love cooking, and it is fun and relaxing. Well according to me. But I love it. Even though we don't have much money its fun to bake and cook and attempt to do that flippy thing with the food in a pan...(WHICH I successfully did!) I was really happy when I did. But tonight is an easy going night, with no cooking to be found. Besides my Apple Crisp and my mother's Strawberry rhubarb coffee cake.

So I have 79 days, until fall orientation. That is 79 days (minus my vacation time which is eight days) Our plan is for me to cook and to fill up a book of recipes and be glad that I have it for when I have my own house and family. I can't wait :)
Monday, May 16, 2011
World War Z
The Zombie Apocalypse. The living dead, the horror of shooting your loved-one's face off as they try and eat your flesh. The most gruesome (in my opinion) of any monster created by George Romero.
The latest Zombie craze which has included movies, sayings on merchandise, books, games and has infected (no pun intended) my generation. I am a college student and have found myself talking out zombie plans, useful weapons and other such ideas.It is a pop culture idea that has turned many people into full on Zombie believers.
There are things that make it seem plausible that a Zombie Apocalypse could come about.
1. Brain infection/parasites.
2. Nero-toxins.
3. Viruses (biological mutations or crafted war-fare viruses)
To me seen the most plausible reasons for a zombie apocalypse. These three things can turn one into a mindless flesh eating monster. People have apparently milked this until it was dry. But I was surprised to find two things that caught my eye lately.
The first was a book. Pictured above. by Max Brooks. It is the Oral history of the Zombie War. This book hit me hard enough that it took me a good couple of weeks to actually finish it because in my mind it was so visceral. as an artist I have a painfully realistic imagination. The descriptions of battles, personal and organized by armies made my stomach clench. Brooks captured the horror of personal stories in his volume with few large plot holes that bothered me as a reader. It was surprising that it happened like that. Usually when it comes to Zombie stories, be it movies or video games, there are plot holes so large that I have to plug my ears and look away. It happens more than I wished it would but oh well.
The origin story of Brooks though not clear of the complete origins (unlike some who point at virus or others at Mad-Cow disease) he allowed it to be called "African Rabies" But it is never clear if the zombies were a natural virus that mutated or a brain infection. Another thing Brooks captured, is that Zombies or Zack are so much biological different from us just as they are the same. They Walk, Moan and are generally human looking, but the difference that is pointed out was that they are brains that don't need bodies to really survive. This is seen in Zack's ability to stay on the ocean floor and not be disabled. Unlike a human who would be killed by the pressure.
Brooks' book showed me the true horror of a Zombie War that Hollywood couldn't and wouldn't show me.
Now a video game team comes along and releases a teaser trailer that gives me a taste of that horror that Brooks' book gave me. Dead island is an upcoming video game. Take a look....
Dead Island (Teaser Trailer)
Max Brooks,
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Heart of Disney
I've been watching and listening to music more and more lately. As if my soul is caught back into my childhood and I wish to feel what I once did as a child. That I will find great love and have an adventure. Then I sort of realize that I already have. I'm living an adventure, true not as exciting as I wished it would be. No swash buckling sword fights, no bad guy trying to get me.
But I mean, look at life it is a Disney movie. We all live through tragedy, and survive, and find a sort of happy ending in the end. We ALL have dreams!
Not only that but it is a great movie and has a plot that can touch my heart. What I guess I'm saying is that I've always sort of known, but I have a Disney heart. A Heart which loves music and fairy-tales, they keep me from going insane. Which I think is a good thing.
I believe everyone has to have a love of fairy-tales. A love of things that seem impossible but aren't if you have the heart to love them. Also to have a love of great music which tends to be infiltrated into the animated Disney movies. I can't really find that I hate any Disney movie (except maybe Pocahontas, because the composition.
So there it is I'm a Disney girl. I always will be, and I suppose always have been. Tangled has though become one of my favorite movies up there with The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast. I love to see Disney doing animated features again. And well, it just makes me giddy and happy.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
So term two is coming to a close and well...I'm glad for it. However, I am not ready to see my seniors go. Because well...I never want my seniors to go. I was the same way last year. But I didn't have as many friends in the Tens as I do the Elevens. But my big sister was in the Tens. <3 But so sad about that.
I cant wait for my classes term three. Because I'm taking two directed studies. One in Japanese Pottery and another in Printmaking. I'm really syched. It is going to be BAMF. XD
But other than that I have thing piling up fast. Have to write a paper for art history, and study for Latin. AND get all my illustration things done. It gets a little crazy at the end of the term. But having dealt with it for two point five years, I'm pretty used to it.
I'm happy to be an art major, but now I'm freaking out about my RETARDED timing. WHY OH WHY did I change so late. But I have a feeling that I'll get it done and good. But still freaking out a bit. :D
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
I'm floating around upside down

So by running around doing absolutely nothing I feel as if I must do something. So here I am writing my blog. So look at the weirdness that is my awe/zombie face. I've been trying to find something that inspires me to write or draw. But I'm hitting a wall...like the Great Wall of China sized wall. But now that I'm over break and have gotten all the work I needed done, well done. I find that I am still hitting this block.
So now I'm at work, as a security escort and well I'm utterly bored; and going a little crazy. Since being on campus barely a day I have spraned my knee and gotten reemed by a professor. It isn't as if I mean for these things to happen. They just do. So I'm mostly over it, the reeming was more over him worryng about my average. It's a D and it's Latin. So I am having issues keeping up with that material. But meh. We just hit passive voice before break, and it's killing my. The whole being told that passive voice is bad had killed my ability to understand it that well. So EPIC FAILURE!
Art wise I'm bursting at the edges. I've got tons of ideas and well not enough arms to do all of it. So I put things on the back burner and have pulled back a bit.
So I sewed an Octupus named Mr.Oliver Squiggles, he was an international buisness man and the first Cephalopod to ever go to college. He was sucessful and was living in Tokyo, but made the mistake of eating at a sushi restuarant, where he ate his uncle. Now he lives in shame in my bed as a Hobo Octopus but will give finacial advice if asked.He is very depressed though, so bring him a crab or some fish to cheer him up. K Thanks Bai. (I'll put a picture of him up soon)
Other than Mr.Oliver Squiggles I babysat a lot of my break, got peircings, a pedicure and well slept a lot more than I had been before break.
I got some spiffy new headphones that cancel out sound and are just plain awesome and satisfy my love of Base, and my hatered of earbuds. :D :D
Sparkle Sparkle! Are they cool...and spiffy? Enjoy that picture and it's shiney ness. They're Sennheiser HD 202 headphones. And Smashing Punpkins sounds awesome in them...which is what just came on. It's CRAZY! :D :D :D The BASE is making my brain explode.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
A recount of my favorite movies and movies I'm looking forward to.
10. Alice in Wonderland (2010) 
When it comes to fantastical movie that make my brain whir, Burton's Alice in Wonderland is tops. The mix of through the Looking Glass and other Alice related media makes it a whirl wind adventure. Beyond that I love the visuals, and the concept of the creatures and people of Underland. It sparks my mind and gets me drawing or writing depending on what comes from my crazy head.
9. Iron Man

Oh Iron Man, and Tony Stark you make me love you. Now originally I did not like Tony Stark. By Robert Downey Jr. just made me grin like a psycho while watching this. So I got roped in, but that doesn't mean I take his side in the Civil War. Screw you Tony, my heart is forever with Steve!
8. The Dark Knight

First things first...a small silence for Heath Ledger...okay it's been three years but it's still sad. But that is not why this is number eight in my favorite movies.The Joker...and how twisted is this, is my favorite comic book character. So I went to the midnight Showing...and had my brain blown away! It was delightfully twisted and heart pumping, even with Two face's quick rise and fall...which doesn't make sense to me.
7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 1.

Okay I picked this poster for a reason. Even though I loved part 1, it feels just like when the last book came out. Bitter sweet sort of the end of a child hood. But I believe it was achieved perfectly. The reason I used this poster was because this scene, with the doe made me cry from happiness. That is a rare thing, as I went to the midnight showing. I'm sad it's ending but it is so great.
6.Boondock Saints

Well yes. The epic battle of mob vs. twin hot Irish brothers. Win. The plot, though interlaced with cursing every other line which is the 90's style. It is a great movie to watch if you want great action, mixed with comedy from sibling idiocy. I love it for this reason. It had a great plot mixed with the right amount of laughs.
5. Fanboys

This movie makes me laugh hysterically. This is nerd life, and it's great. The movie about a bunch of friends doing something funny, but has an underlying heart warming theme. It is great.

This movie is a great story of love and growth. I love it because it has a great story, and a great cast of characters. It shows family values, that you don't always have to be blood to be family.
3. Coraline

Coraline is the child from the brain of Neil Gaiman. Now I love this man's writing. So it isn't hard to reason why I love Coraline both the book and movie. The style of art though close to Nightmare before Christmas, has it's own whimsy feel. The story itself is dark and slightly twisted but plays on the childhood wishing for better parents. <3 it though.
2.Forrest Gump

So wild jump right? From all these fantasy action-y things to Forrest Gump. Something about this movie makes me smile every time I see it. It's such a moving story that can be carried through out the times. It has good morals and the ups and downs as a real life.
1. Ever After

Call me a hopeless romantic but...I love this movie with all my heart. I Love Drew so it shouldn't be surprising that I love this movie. The cast is great, and the story so well done that you can almost barely see the Cinderella story under it. I love the costuming and the over all feel. <3
Movies I look Forward to.
X-Men First Class

More back stories...yes please.
Capitan America

Oh Steve, you are finally making it to this scene. <3
Cowboys & Aliens

Just yes, I love the comic. So yes.
Transformers : The Dark of the Moon

Don't care what others say I love both transformers. They make my inner child happy.
Kungfu Panda 2

:D :D :D

It's Thor. That's that.
So there you go. Maybe I'll do another one of these for music, or tv.

When it comes to fantastical movie that make my brain whir, Burton's Alice in Wonderland is tops. The mix of through the Looking Glass and other Alice related media makes it a whirl wind adventure. Beyond that I love the visuals, and the concept of the creatures and people of Underland. It sparks my mind and gets me drawing or writing depending on what comes from my crazy head.
9. Iron Man
Oh Iron Man, and Tony Stark you make me love you. Now originally I did not like Tony Stark. By Robert Downey Jr. just made me grin like a psycho while watching this. So I got roped in, but that doesn't mean I take his side in the Civil War. Screw you Tony, my heart is forever with Steve!
8. The Dark Knight
First things first...a small silence for Heath Ledger...okay it's been three years but it's still sad. But that is not why this is number eight in my favorite movies.The Joker...and how twisted is this, is my favorite comic book character. So I went to the midnight Showing...and had my brain blown away! It was delightfully twisted and heart pumping, even with Two face's quick rise and fall...which doesn't make sense to me.
7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 1.
Okay I picked this poster for a reason. Even though I loved part 1, it feels just like when the last book came out. Bitter sweet sort of the end of a child hood. But I believe it was achieved perfectly. The reason I used this poster was because this scene, with the doe made me cry from happiness. That is a rare thing, as I went to the midnight showing. I'm sad it's ending but it is so great.
6.Boondock Saints
Well yes. The epic battle of mob vs. twin hot Irish brothers. Win. The plot, though interlaced with cursing every other line which is the 90's style. It is a great movie to watch if you want great action, mixed with comedy from sibling idiocy. I love it for this reason. It had a great plot mixed with the right amount of laughs.
5. Fanboys
This movie makes me laugh hysterically. This is nerd life, and it's great. The movie about a bunch of friends doing something funny, but has an underlying heart warming theme. It is great.
This movie is a great story of love and growth. I love it because it has a great story, and a great cast of characters. It shows family values, that you don't always have to be blood to be family.
3. Coraline
Coraline is the child from the brain of Neil Gaiman. Now I love this man's writing. So it isn't hard to reason why I love Coraline both the book and movie. The style of art though close to Nightmare before Christmas, has it's own whimsy feel. The story itself is dark and slightly twisted but plays on the childhood wishing for better parents. <3 it though.
2.Forrest Gump
So wild jump right? From all these fantasy action-y things to Forrest Gump. Something about this movie makes me smile every time I see it. It's such a moving story that can be carried through out the times. It has good morals and the ups and downs as a real life.
1. Ever After
Call me a hopeless romantic but...I love this movie with all my heart. I Love Drew so it shouldn't be surprising that I love this movie. The cast is great, and the story so well done that you can almost barely see the Cinderella story under it. I love the costuming and the over all feel. <3
Movies I look Forward to.
X-Men First Class
More back stories...yes please.
Capitan America

Oh Steve, you are finally making it to this scene. <3
Cowboys & Aliens
Just yes, I love the comic. So yes.
Transformers : The Dark of the Moon
Don't care what others say I love both transformers. They make my inner child happy.
Kungfu Panda 2
:D :D :D
It's Thor. That's that.
So there you go. Maybe I'll do another one of these for music, or tv.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Illustration and other art things
So even though Illustration totally kills my social time, I fell like I'm producing great art! I mean having to think things through and do things like that is making my brain explode. But mixed with ceramics I have a packed schedule...and craziness in my life.

This picture, i made up for this coming class on Tuesday. It took about Two hours and six sketches and a ton of frustration. But I like the end result.

This Ironman picture took about three hours of break down, and blocking before it was finished. This was less frustrating as I didn't need any actual words to be in it.
Other than these I've been doing small graphite drawings and whipping them out. They look so good, at least to me. But otherwise I feel pretty good, even though I sleep almost nothing. I WANT SLEEP. I was like naps. :D
To go on another rant. I am writing a Creative Story. It is a fantasy story that is sort of post-apocalyptic. It is turning out great and has some connections to Beowulf.

Though not Beowulf in reality, more descendants and wars. I'm trying to make it outstanding and it's hard. I have seven pages and I'm still attempting to hammer out the bumpy pieces. Though it's sort of coming together.
My life in general had been an up and down thing or craziness that just won't stop, but I'm trying to get away form people who are negative around me....but they keep on popping up.

This picture, i made up for this coming class on Tuesday. It took about Two hours and six sketches and a ton of frustration. But I like the end result.

This Ironman picture took about three hours of break down, and blocking before it was finished. This was less frustrating as I didn't need any actual words to be in it.
Other than these I've been doing small graphite drawings and whipping them out. They look so good, at least to me. But otherwise I feel pretty good, even though I sleep almost nothing. I WANT SLEEP. I was like naps. :D
To go on another rant. I am writing a Creative Story. It is a fantasy story that is sort of post-apocalyptic. It is turning out great and has some connections to Beowulf.
Though not Beowulf in reality, more descendants and wars. I'm trying to make it outstanding and it's hard. I have seven pages and I'm still attempting to hammer out the bumpy pieces. Though it's sort of coming together.
My life in general had been an up and down thing or craziness that just won't stop, but I'm trying to get away form people who are negative around me....but they keep on popping up.
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