
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why do I bug myself?

Okay so today was the final critic, for painting....and although I'm really happy about my paintings, and my new (and shiny) major I can't help but wonder. WHERE the hell am I going? What is my goal, if the percentages that M.D. told us today are true. Can I really become a full time artist like I want to? I MEAN I want to but is it a possible thing for me to want to paint and draw and have gallery showings? Although i know my lifetime goal, to own and run a bookshop/cafe. I just have to find my way to that place. I'm going to work my ass off. That I know. But the struggle to move on up seems daunting right now. And it might be the stress of finals, and such but I bug myself about this thing.

I've never be a floater, able to just walked down any path. I'm a set in motion, plan type of girl. Which may seem weird...but I am. I know, that I will be doing so much shite this summer. Hopefully taking an art class at my local Community college, hopefully getting a job and painting and drawing my ass off. But I guess I'm looking in my own head...what do i want to do if I can't be a full time artist? (Because really, I don't want to be a real life Squidward)

So here I am staring at this text thing for my blog and filling it with useless things that my brain sputters out. Sort of like an exhaust pipe. I have photoshop open on a blank file...and NADA. Nope nothing swims to the surface of my mind. But I guess that is life. A lot of people seem to think I need my plans set in stone (including myself) but so many people seem to go with the flow.

Now I'm rambling. My own worries to you poor, poor reader. So here I go to paint some craptastic doodle and stare at it in disdain... :D

Monday, November 15, 2010


You never realize how much people influence you until you listen to your own heart, and how the simplest of phrases can push you in the simplest of directions. I mean having someone you've had limited interaction with tell you something that touches your soul makes all of the difference. How your family telling you that it was fate for you to do what you always dreamed of doing. And not only hearing that but going on with the dream. I did that today, with one hour of sleep and the determination of someone who found their dream was within their grasp.

I'm now a Art Major with a Classical Studies Minor. I feel like this is what I always should have done. Why I didn't do it before I haven't a clue but I'm certain that it was meant to be. I have my head brimming with inspiration and ideas that just popped up with my freedom of art. I think that this experience allowed me to pull together and start to make sense of the shit sundae that was and still is my life (sort of).

As I sit here waiting for work to get it's ass here so I can get to sleep. Which is most definitely coming tonight. I'm glad I have people that love enough to tell me to get my head out of my ass, or to support me. Friends are another self. And I believe I found that is the people who inspire me to wake up every morning and get going. It is strange to know that all these people not only know me but love me is strange. Sometimes you can feel so alone and not even realize it. People influence you, and you can never let them get you down.

Learn from my mistakes, because it's impossible for you to make them all yourself. Don't let people tell you that your dreams are worth nothing, and though I still have self image issues. It is true that I can only let what people say affect me. And I was a fool to let it. (Peer Pressure is a bitch sometimes, but so is pop culture)

I don't know where I'm going from here but I'm sure as hell not going to do it alone any more.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sound the Bugle

I can't sleep. Though this isn't a uncommon thing. This night is heavier. For I stand on the brink, of losing friends, of losing my future. I can't even recall how I got here. I've got nothing left, just an empty heart. I want to go home, I want to never wake up. I want to escape. And though I can make fun of my anger. My sadness over whelms me. I feel as if a large hole has been dug out of my gut. I'm low, and I might as well go lay in the mud. I'm just done. Why can't I just do what I love and not feel guilty for it?

Lions club. Let us start somewhere basic. I am resigning as the 'coordinator' because I feel as if I am the only one contributing to the club, besides the random helping hand from my roommate. So I E-mailed Mike (or parent club rep) and told him that I am peacing out. In much more eloquent words.

Now let us add some complication whip cream to this shit sundae. Most people only see the fat. My Fat. I believe that is why I am so insecure about myself. For years I've listened to teasing and hurtful words. And while people tell me I am silly. (How appropriate to strip down someone's social insecurities into such a down putting phrase.) I feel as if they don't understand, as if their words change everything completely. As if I don't see the people on campus laugh as I walk by, and though I act as if it doesn't effect me. It does, and I am able to bottle it up completely until it boils over to the point where I cling to my friends. And it disgusts me.

Thirdly, my future the lovely cherry a top of this sundae. I don't want to go into Classics for anything. I don't want to be a teacher. I want to be an artist. And I don't know what the fuck I am doing anymore. Art is my life. It keeps me a float. But I don't know why I never got into it as a major. Why didn't I follow my childhood dreams? Why did I do this to myself? Am I just as insecure as with my body? What am I going to do? It kills me not to have a set plan, and while many say that is life. Well I don't know. "How do you plan life?" Well you don't but isn't that what College is about? Planning you life? Knowing what you want to do?

What am I going to do?

happiness quotes Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, November 5, 2010

I'm still alive.

So swimming at seven in the morning really wakes you up. So I got through it, though my roommate was freezing her butt off. It was fun to swim though and get back int he swing of an actual workout. So I'm back into swimming everyday (hopefully) But I'll be dragging my friends to swim iwth me, so no more solo swimming. I missed swimming a tone, it feels good to be back in it, but there were a ton of people there today. It was crazy.

When it comes to school, I've had the absolutely worse week I could possibly have in my life. My advisor just makes me want to punch her, maybe. But I had a complete break down for the second time this week. Got over it with some book throwing, Ice Cream, Fried Mushrooms and LOTR. But it started earlier this week with Latin and my lack of ability with it. I really have issues translating it and understanding without a book. That Is what gets me really back. Then advising just made me even more angry. So Now I'm attempting to be civil and not talk to this woman. then in class she called out names and made us stay behind to learn how to write a paper. In a very snotty, bitchy way. Well lets just say we're all pissed, at least I know my friend and I are. It was very rude and stupid of her to do that as if we wouldn't get angry. We are all college students, Juniors and SENIORS! We know how to write a god damned paper.

So I think it's safe to say that I could really kill someone right now and just be happy. So I'm going to go get food, print things out and study for Latin. I'm still fuming and can't stand the thought of seeing her now.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Midterm Break

So I'm back to being addicted to everything Glee, Mike/Kurt Fanfiction is my vice right now. But other than that, it is Midterm break here at E.C. and this lets me not have an anxiety attack every three minutes. So now I'm waiting for my parents to come here and visit me.

On another note, I'm still reading Harry Potter, but I've made it half way through book 2. With help from my friends (They Read to Me) and well I find that I don't hate it as much as I used to. It used to be my least favorite book, now I seem to like it more. Although Gilderoy Lockhart is still a giant bag of douche.

How someone didn't smack him in the face (though Snape whipping his ass across the room during dueling club still makes me giddy like a school girl) I'll never know. And Dobby just grates on my nerves, but I understand how important he is to the story. Much like Gollum , I hate him but I understand why he is in the story in the first place.

Other Wise my life is pretty good, I have to write two papers. Which frankly won't take long (I hope) and well that is about it. All I must do during break is study Latin which allows me to make stupid and cheesy Harry Potter Jokes. That makes me wonder, was there a Latin class in Hogwarts. Because that would have been REALLY helpful don't you think. I think so, since their spell work is based in Latin.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I can't go to pigfarts! It's ON Mars.

SO I'm pretty pumped up. I get my paycheck soon and it's gonna be nice and big (according to me...I'm poor okay.) and I can't wait to buy a few things. I mean I'm buying two A Very Potter Musical Shirts :D which pump me up but them I don't know what else I should by....just one more thing. >.> So I've been hopping around and I'm getting a Sunnydale High School Shirt LOL! It's pretty bank. But Now I must step away before I convince myself that I don't need it. But I REALLY WANT THEM!! But I save the rest of my money. :) It's easier that way. But That is about it.

I had one of my radio shows today and well it was fun we did the safety dance. :D But no one saw us. But it was fun. Now all I have to do is translate Latin and go to work.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

What is Time?

So I've had a ton of thinking time and I just want to know. What makes time pass, what is it measured in? I mean is it the tress that change...or how about that papers you write? I just can't understand it. Because I've been at school for almost a month and I can't seem to comprehend that time is passing so quickly.I really don't want it to.

But I guess it just I don't want time to go quickly. I don't want the seniors to graduate and I don't want to be a senior myself. Because truthfully I'm scared of the future and where I will go? I'm very insecure and it doesn't help at all with anything.

But on the other hand I still haven't really figured anything out. Other than how to exhaust myself. But well that won't help me really.

Peace out.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Sketchbook Project. and some world news.

So I really have been doing some serious Internet surfing. And well my friend shoed me this which is pretty bank.

It is the Sketchbook project, and it allows regular people to be an artist in a museum (sort of)!

So what is this whole dealo? Well you sign up on the website (Up there ^) and for a mere 25 dollar they send you a small sketch book that you can fill based on a theme that you choose, or that they randomly choose for you. Then you send it back by a certain date and it's put in the art library, where you may track your book and then go visit the exhibits and see others. I think it's pretty cool.


There is a article on that is about world hunger, and since this is quite an important issue to me I opened it.

The U.N. (That's the United Nations) says that the people still suffering from chronic hunger is unacceptable. Even with the large drop from 1.023 billion hungry to
925 million, there is still someone dying every few minutes, heck even seconds. Even though people help it is far from enough, and with food prices once again raising it may cause a problem and increase in the number of people starving.

Here are some facts from the article.

Among the study's key findings were:
• Two thirds of undernourished people live in just seven countries -- India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, China, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ethiopia.
• The region with the most undernourished people continues to be Asia and the Pacific, with 578 million.
• But the proportion of undernourished people remains highest in sub-Saharan Africa -- at 30 percent in 2010, or 239 million.

The Article


On the Harry Potter rereading I'm doing! I forgot so much stuff!!! I was like HOLY CRAP WHAT DID THOSE MOVIES DO TO ME!! D: But well it's good to get back to the roots, and even though I know whats going to happen I still feel myself getting pulled into the story and characters all over again. It's a great feeling, and it helps me get away from my school work sometimes. So...yeah! Now I have to go to class!

Love, PEACE, and chicken Grease.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Harry Potter And the Sorcerer's Stone

So I'm re-reading the first Harry Potter book. Because apparently I have been tainted by the movies and the amount of fanfiction I have read. My view of actual canon had been skewed. So viola I am reading the first.

And whoa! Total reason to love my college it was in their library along with like every awesome book (though the Twilight monster was present) I was too excited to get Harry Potter, but I spied Petter Rabbit and I was like! HECK YEAH! I don't doubt that Lord of the Rings is up there too. But I was like doing the happy dance. YEAH! Harry Potter fest. And they have all of the moves and books. though I'm going to be avoiding the movies. Unless I want to Ogle over Alan Rickman,
(now that's a man) and possibly Radcliffe.

But I'm going back to my roots to try and well ya know get in touch with my love of the original characters. And work my way back up to the seventh book. Then I don't know I may attempt the twilight monster like my sister wants me to. >.> But I still have to read the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings first. (It's Hobbit Forming!! sorry blame my father)

<3 bad puns

Friday, June 25, 2010

So nail polish and my birthday

Well we are going to start out with some fun facts about nail polish, some brands and great colors. So ta-da cue picture!

OKay, so this is an ad done my a nail polish company. No it's not an optical illusion. It's much like this

A clever sculpture like gag of fake spilled coke or wine. Now I like this add because it's very clever. Now lets talk about brands and my favorite colors. :)Well lets talk about my favorite nail polish that I am too poor to buy.

1. OPI Now since my favorite colors are red and black. Though not original they look fabulous wiht my skin here is a peek at some of OPI's polish.

Now what is so cool about OPI. Well there is so many great colors to pick from. here is an example. :D

Thats a lot of reds and pinks huh?

Okay not only do they have a lot of colors but it dries quickly, goes on smoother and lasts longer then cheap polish. :).

Now I use Wet N Wild at the moment. I do love ti and the colors they come in satisfy me, but if you buy cheap nail polish get a bottle of Sally Hansen nail hardener and your polish will stay on longer.


Okay what is so great about Birthdays? You get a year older, but the two years most fun to reach are 18 and 21, and later a great age to reach is 60-ish (Social Security). Well this year I am turning 20,actually tomorrow I am turning 20. It's not as exciting as when I was a child, and it doesn't feel special.

But I suppose that is growing up, and I am actually fine with that, but (here comes whining) I have to go to my cousin's graduation party and smile with the family I had a fall out with not even two weeks ago. It seems like a shitty deal for me.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Cat Facts. <(^.^)>. And other things.

So in my boredom I have been looking into cat breeds. So I'll list some of my favorites and ramble off some facts. Now.

The Bengal :

The Bengal is a relatively new hybrid breed of cat, formed by the cross of a domestic feline and an Asian Leopard Cat ("ALC"). It has "wild" marks, such as spots and the body structure more like the "ALC". The earliest mention of an ALC/domestic cross was in 1889, when Harrison Weir wrote in "Our Cats and All About Them"


Bengal cats have "wild-looking" markings, such as large spots, rosettes, and a light/white belly, and a body structure reminiscent of the Leopard Cat.[1]. The Bengal's rosetted spots occur only on the back and sides, with stripes elsewhere. The breed typically also features "mascara" (horizontal striping alongside the eyes), and foreleg striping.

The International Cat Association (TICA) recognizes several Bengal colors (brown, seal lynx point, mink, sepia, silver) and patterns (spotted and marbled) for competition. In the New Traits class, other colors may be shown, as well as longhairs.[7]


After three generations from the original crossing, the breed usually acquires a gentle domestic cat temperament;[1] however, for the typical pet owner, a Bengal cat kept as a pet should be at least four generations (F4) removed from the Leopard Cat. The so-called "foundation cats" from the first three filial generations of breeding (F1–F3) are usually reserved for breeding purposes or the specialty pet home environment.

Havana Brown

The Havana Brown, also known as the Swiss Mountain cat, is a breed of cat well known and shown in England in the 1890s. They are known for their dark brown color and sleek coat.

During World War I and World War II, the breeding programs of pedigreed cats suffered. It was not until the post World War II era that cat fanciers renewed their breeding efforts. In the early 1950s a group of English cat fanciers began working together to restore the breed.

Temperment & Appearance

The Havana Brown has not only a unique appearance, with it's rich mahogany brown coat and brilliant green eyes, but also a truly unique personality. This breed is outgoing and playful and they love to follow you everywhere you go. While most cats scatter at the sound of a sudden crash, Havanas run toward the sound to see what caused it.

Even after they are several years old they still enjoy a good round of tag, and they will play with a simple toy just like kittens. Havanas also like to make biting marks in paper or cardboard, so you must be careful not to leave important documents or photos lying around.


Real updates on my life are boring, I take care of horrible rotten children. Who get into everything, and I just can't take it. It's been only two weeks of this and I'm quitting and getting another job if I can.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The basics, of my religion.

So what I'm giving you today is a run down of paganism and wicca, though I am not wicca as I don't follow the reed I will still cover it.

Now there is a popular saying that if you ask ten pagans what their religion is you'll get ten different answers, and this is true. Not one pagan is alike in their thoughts about the religion. There are dozens of different wicca and pagan groups in the U.S. today.

But first thing is first, there is no 'bible' for wicca/paganism nor a governing body. Though there is some ideals that transfer from one wicca/pagan to the next. Pagan's come from all walks of life, and don't have a certain look or way about them. Anyone you know can be pagan, and they all have their own reasons.

Since the religion doesn't recruit it may be hard to find a group in your area to ask about. So just be brave and ask about, find a show that sells incense and other things and chance is you'll find a pagan.

Now in traditional customs one would train for a year and a day, though as a solitary I did this, sort of. Since I could not completely train myself I read as many book s a possible. However if you find a coven don't think you know more, because in truth you don't.

The belief and use of magic is a staple within paganism, and is a pillar in the religion. The belief is that magic is not supernatural at all, but a natural thing in every persons life.

Be pagan does not mean you embrace the concepts of sin, heaven or hell, the evils of sex or nudity, confession, Satanism, animal sacrifice, or the inferiority of women. Paganism is a religion of self expression through a religious practice.

There are basic beliefs that go through every form of paganism, harm none, respect other's religions, The divine is everywhere in nature and us, the divine has both a male and female part, you are responsible for your own actions, and Holidays are based on the turning of the earth and the cycle of the seasons.

Now for an alter

On your personal Altar you should have the following;

An Altar Cloth (Center and Vail) – This helps to separate you from the mundane table. Black is good to absorb unwanted or extra energy.

A Censor (East and Air) – This helps to contain the smudge or incense that you use in the ritual or ceremony.

An Athame (South and Fire) – This helps you direct energy in ritual space.

A bowl of Water (West and Water) - This helps to hold the charged or blessed water.

A container of Sea Salt (North and Earth) – This helps to contain the Sea Salt.

A Pentagram Paton (Center and Spirit) – This helps for centering energies in ritual and charging tools for ritual.

Use Sage incense when in ritual. It’s a good basic incense to use because it helps to keep negative energies away.

Below is an example of how I set up my alter.

1 A bowl of salt
2 A bowl of water
3 A hand made small dish with jasmine oil for air.
4 A Candle
5 Is a stone box with a pentacle.
6 A goddess statue
7 A god statue
8 A wand
9 A athame
10 Twine for knot magic

This picture is my alter at college, the only picture I could find. There is no candle or athame, as I am not allowed to have those at school.

There are tons of books to read, and understand at bookstores and libraries. So read before doing anything. That is the point.


Sunday, May 30, 2010

Life is going on...

Lately I've been very busy, trying to catch myself up and losing track of my actual life. It's hard to keep track of everything lately. I'm a little run down. But I've decided to do some research on some of my new addictions!


Mint Chocolate Clif Bars! ((Usu))

So after staring at the site in boredom for about thirty minutes. There are many interesting facts that they give.

FIRSTLY!! You cannot eat Cliff Bars if you are allergic to nuts! As every clif Bar contains nuts.

But more interesting, cliff Bars are Kosher, "CLIF BARS are Kosher Dairy. There are no dairy products in our bars however, the vendor we purchase our non-dairy chocolate chips from makes chips containing dairy in the same building." That is quoted from the site BTW.

The actual bar is made from Soy and other natural ingredients. So that is a yay right?

Well my opinion as a college student, is that they are great. When you miss a meal they really fill you up and keep you going until you can get real food into your stomach. This I learned from sitting in a library for nine-ish hours and my friend throwing a Clif Bar at my head, and I was hooked.

Now the same company makes another bar....((Usu))!!

The Luna Bar - The Whole Nutrition for Women. Though more sweet and rice crispy-like then the Clif Bar, it is still good. Though Only second in my opinion ot the Clif bar previously mentioned.

The Ingredients are found on and are as follows.

"How can something so good for us be so delicious? It’s simple. Start with the best ingredients possible (nothing artificial, everything natural) and nutrition that matters most to women. Mix with flavors that make mouths water and the rest is sweet (and healthy!) history.
High in calcium and folic acid
Rich in antioxidants A, C, E
9g protein, 3g fiber"

Though I haven't tried any others yet, I plan too soon. I find myself eating Clif bars more regularly then the Luna bars, as I find the Luna Bars more Candy-like.

Now my Hydration of choice is Smart Water from Glaceau. (( CUE PICTURE USU))

Though didn't give me much information. But from what my friend and I can gather from the little doodles from the webpage is that it's made through magic. (Actually it's based of the evaporation and condensation laws found in nature. Then spruced up with electrolytes.) Tada! WATER MAGICY NESS!!


Monday, May 10, 2010

Get in Gear : Six credits of Fun

So I've been gone for a while but am now back. My Tattoo is now healed and I'm going back Friday to get it finished. I'll post a pretty picture when it's done.

I've been really doing nothing besides have movies marathons of movies no one has seen in my group. Or just checking movies off a list. It's been pretty cool.

My class is fun, I've been in a graveyard for the last couple of days, cataloging gravestones. Here are some pictures. I am tired, and so it is time for a nap.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Viacom's Theft and other things.

So I'm a youtube browser. I tend to fiddle around after my morning classes until lunch or a club meeting. When browsing today I came across this.

Though I wasn't surprised at the content the amount of contradicting that viacom committed. As a youtuber myself I think it's the duty of all youtubers to stand up and kick viacom down. These are videos you have posted! Things you have made! Response videos like this

from Norm, have started to pop up all over youtube. Though I haven't made videos that become viral, I do have a sense of pride in them. Though I have recently deleted them all, I know that i was proud of them, and what I made of them.

Fate-blitz on youtube.


I've posted my draw 1 peices on my DA, here is the like --->link :D There are my works! :) Have fun looking at them!


Now for a tattoo review as of yesterday I got my first ink, that tattoo is only half done.

Buh-BAM! lol. Here is it the first part of my tattoo.

I went to Bring Your Skin in Elmira, N.Y.

Oh pretty picture :)

I went there and well, it was very nice. Not only was the artist cool, but he understood what I wanted and how I could do it, since I was about twenty bucks short we did it in halves. I was glad I went there, because not only was he sure to warn me about the pain but he was pretty funny. Though he didn't comment on the conversation most of the time that my friend and I were having he did pop in one or two times. The tattoo as you can see is pretty sweet, and my quote "For in that sleep of death what dreams may come" from Hamlet (Shakespeare is my soul mate) is getting added on May 14 when I get paid!

EVEN COOLER!! I'm going to go see Beauty and the beast on Tuesday next week with my friend Kristen, the same person who went with me to Bring Your Skin. We are both totally freaking out. But I'll post another picture of my finished tattoo and keep you updated on the craziness of my life. I'll even snap some pictures when I go digging with my Archaeology class.

Now another gem from Stumble Upon!!!

Oh we Americans were never taught Geography. How many people know where Andorra is??? Hmmmm?????

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 15

So I've had a good few days. Didn't get my tattoo sadly. But I'm getting it Wednesday. I'm trying to convince Ant, a good friend to come visit me!! So she can go with me. I miss her, she's of the awesome.

I'm pretty tired and sad lately. I don't really know why but I am. Maybe my depression in rearing it's ugly face once again. But I'm trying to find a way to distract myself.

Now fun facts!! YAY!!!

Why the stumble button is made of awesome.

The Stumble Button is a device one can install on Firefox, after signing up you pick your hobbies, what you like. Like Art, music, society. What ever tickles your fancy. Then like automagically!

You can start to stumble. And you get things like...

The Evil Plan Planner. Which is pretty Awesome.

Or 100 years of Special Effects

Or The Doodle Bug site, which is really fun.

Or The first Alien contact guide

Or my personally favorite THE GET YOURSELF IN GEAR site particularly good for procrastinators like myself.

The stumble button allows you to find things that are funny, awesome or just plain cool. These sites might have been unknown to you if you had never found the stumble button. Now go install it and have some fun!!

Now time for another stumble provided picture.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 14

So!~ Good news! four Bs and an A! Yup your heard me, I'm doing well this semester. a 3.0 on the dot! YEAH!

Right about now I am attempting to update my fanfiction on but well it's coming slow. See this all started when I was at the Paradise Market (which is less then so, although it has BANGING nachos!...but I digress)and well my lovely little Nicolai (my blackberry...yes it has a name) and it was an email.

Well to my surprise it was a review for my fanfiction and well I was blown away. I had thought that my fanfiction had fallen off of the face of the earth. So I was like wow. well here is the review...

2010-04-17 . chapter 5
I cant believe you just stopped it there! this isn't on HIATUS or adoption is it?? oh no!! please continue this =o"

Funny right? I was so taken back and then I decided what the heck, let's continue it. Here I am writing another chapter and it's already three pages! I mean I haven't looked back written this one in a few years but MAN! it doesn't suck, it looked like (even though my chapters are short) that I thought through my plot and edited! JEEZ!! Where was this person when I had to write papers in Ancient Rome!!???

But oh I leave you with this picture.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 13

Well finals are over and now I am home. I've been catching up on some Z's and now feel ready to get back to having fun.

Though I believe that being home sucks, A) because I do not have a bed B)Because of my mother and C) there is absolutely nothing to do. But I'm doing pretty well, having watch the Princess and the Frog three times, the dark knight and the Doctor Who marathon and new season first ep.

Which now I have the urge to try fish sticks and custard. :) Which though seems gross I have a feeling would be completely delicious at the same time. But I am strange like that.

You know this updating one every week or so seems better I have much more to talk about.

I'm going to soon check my grades and hopefully have at least a 3.0 GPA. I need it! But you know, I don't know I did try quite hard this term. But now on to third term and archeology. Which is going to be full of dirt and sunburns. Well not bad sunburns I hope, my skin couldn't take it.

I cannot wait until free comic book day, I am dressing up as Delirium from the Sandman comics, and two of my other friends are going to be Death and Dream. Totally golden man!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 13

Sorry of the long wait, finals are coming and I have two papers left to write before then. It's crazy and over working me. But I decided to post finally. So here it is! a post.

In my life, not much has happened, I've decided to get my tattoo over break, and my comic strip is hopefully going to get better. My co-writer and I have been over worked and as of now it's on the back burner to school work. However, my 15 - 20 page paper is done with 15 1/2 pages! This is good news to me. So now I'm writing my Encore paper and trying not to go completely crazy as of right now.

My friends and I are still growing apart, and that means friends from last year. But I'm making better friends in Taylor and Liz. Which makes me happy. They seem to be more my kind of people, funny and outgoing. I think it's better. But that doesn't mean I want to throw my other friends away.

I hate college sometimes, it ruins friendships and gets in the way. Gossip sucks and well I hate this. I'm going to go do my papers now.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Day 12

Today was fairly relaxing, which it shouldn't be since I have to have two papers done by Friday. I really need to crack down but my brain is just in lazy bones mode. Oh well.

I went swimming today again, I forgot how enjoyable it was to swim in an indoor pool. It was fun and I truly loved it. I feel at home in the water, is that weird? Well it can't really be, I'm sure many people feel like that. I have no idea why I update this so much, I mean is there anyone who actually reads this, because i have no real way of telling.

Anyways, I saw Alice in Wonderland today and was quite bothered that it was called Alice in Wonder land, though it was more like Through the Looking Glass. It really bothering me now. But the acting was nice. The Hatter, who has always been my favorite character, was done nicely by Depp. I actually really loved the random thick Scottish Accent that jumped into his voice once in a while. Quite good!

Well it's off to bed with me now, and to wake up for Schwartz in the morning. :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 11

Hello, sorry for the late post.

I just got off of work.Now that I'm done with my security escort job I wanna go to bed soon.

Today wasn't that exciting, I wrote my paper and did my radio show alone since my co-host went home for Easter. But i would like to talk about something that caught my interest.

The Shroud of Turin is a centuries old linen cloth that bears the image of a crucified man. A man that millions believe to be Jesus of Nazareth. Is it really the cloth that wrapped his crucified body, or is it simply a medieval forgery, a hoax perpetrated by some clever artist? Modern science has completed hundreds of thousands of hours of detailed study and intense research on the Shroud. It is, in fact, the single most studied artifact in human history, and we know more about it today than we ever have before. And yet, the controversy still rages.

Tonight on the history channel they did a 3D rendering of that man and it was pretty interesting. Though I'm not any sort of bible religion it is interesting. Because like any human I am curious.

Now bed....

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 10

Hello and good day!

Today was quite interesting filled with a little bit of classwork, sun bathing, swimming and laughs.

I woke up happy, it's Friday until it hit me that I have a week to write 3 papers that are really long and driving me crazy. So now I'm trying to squeeze another page or so out of my tired brain before hitting the hay.

Thucydides is a pain in me hole. Virtually nothing in known about him other then he is Greek, from Athens, an aristocrat, and son of Olorus. That doesn't really help me. And he never traveled anywhere from what can be told from his History of the Peloponnesian war! He was so fixated on the war he never gave any accounts of social conflicts, economy issues or even the outside forces beyond the boarders of Greece that held weight in the war a.k.a. The Persians. It's just so frustrating. I have to milk at least four pages about him, his travels, his work, his style and his reliability. It's going to kill me.

How can we have busts of this man and yet have no information about him! It is just driving me completely mad! Herodotus was so much more easier to write about!!! UHG...

I'm going to bed....

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 9

Happy April Fools day!

Today was pretty relaxing but also a little frustrating. After about three hours of searching I couldn't find a real grant or scholarship that I could apply for. I need 1,200 Dollars to make a deposit for my Greece/Turkey trip for next year! Though it really isn't needed, it would be good for my resume and my career as a whole. But money is needed.

But I hung outside for a while got a nice sun bunr and found out I only have one final drawing now. It's AWESOME. But other than that I've had a pretty boring day. Walked to the Chinese food store with some friends, got hit on by some creeper goth kid and was cat called. That about sums up my!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 8

Today was fine and well I just don't see how I'm going to get my 20pg paper written by next Friday. So I'm attempting to get my two final drawings done by Sunday and then crack down on my 20pg, and my final painting analysis.

Now Chobani Greek Yogurt, my new addiction. I've been doing some research and decided to fill you guys in too! Chobani comes in all sorts of flavors, like strawberry, peach, blueberry, pineapple, pomegranate, vanilla and honey.

So today I was standing in line waiting for my Western Omelet (Has Cheese, Ham, Onions and Green Pepper) and skinny fries when I kept seeing people get this yogurt. So in my every growing curiosity I looked at it and it was this Greek yogurt. So I snatched a container and bought it.

I bought a strawberry and being a yogurt fiend I left this delicious morsel for last. So I'm not usually a fruit on the bottom girl but I was willing to give it a chance. So when I too my first thick, creamy bite I was in bliss. It was great and the thickness of the yogurt was so much better than what I am used to. So I went back after my meal bought four containers and put them in my fridge. YUM~!

INFORMATION = from the Chobani site!!!

What’s Greek about Chobani Greek Yogurt?

We get this question a lot! Many people think that “Greek yogurt” refers to where we make our yogurt; however, it’s actually the way we make it that puts the “Greek” in Chobani Greek Yogurt.

Unlike some Greek Yogurt companies that add thickening agents to their yogurts for texture, you won’t find any thickeners, gelatins or stabilizers in our yogurt. Instead we use a centuries-old straining technique to remove excess liquid. This is why Chobani is so ridiculously thick and creamy and packed with two times more protein that regular yogurts. Hail to the Greeks…Greek Yogurt that is!

Can I freeze Chobani Greek Yogurt?

Yes. Frozen Chobani (or “FroCho” as we like to call it) can be frozen and stored for up to three months. While frozen, the cultures become dormant but once thawed, either in the refrigerator or by your body heat when eaten, they become live and active again.

FroCho will have a slightly different texture, whether eaten frozen or thawed, but makes a refreshing treat.

How does the fruit on the bottom of your flavored Greek Chobani taste so fresh?

We use only the highest-quality real fruit—none of that goop you tend to find on the bottom of other yogurt brands.

We then lightly sweeten our real fruit chunks with evaporated cane juice, a natural type of unrefined sweetener.

So I say try it!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 7

Today was fun, had drawing and began one of my two final drawings and have gained the name Tentacle Head. But I haven't done much, I read book two of Paradise Lost and summarized it. Wrote my Classical Myth paper so I wouldn't have to pray to be skipped, and did more research.

I'm really happy about today, and will hopefully get started on my 15-20 page paper soon. But I seem to HATE research. It is really not that fun. I bet you can tell that this is going to end soon. And it is, it is my bed time. Sad but true. and I need to get sleeping since i wake up at 7:30AM and Glee fan-fiction isn't helping me on my way there.So I'm going to finish this last chapter and get truckin

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 6

Well today was a pretty active day! After stumbling my way through Paradise Lost Book 1, I spent an hour praying to ever deity in the Greek Pantheon that my professor would not choose my vase painting of Heracles fighting the Nemean lion. I didn't have the paper written. But I'm happy to report that she skipped over my picture.

On a higher note! :) I am now EC Comix Treasurer for next year, and EC Lions Club Coordinator. Four friends and myself were inducted today into Lions Club International as a Branch club. It was pretty awesome. We are already planing a Good Will Drive and Organ Donor Sign Ups. I think were started up pretty well. I'm also running for a position in G.A.S.P. as V.P. I might get it you never know.

As for now I'm planning my two final drawings for Drawing 1 and slowly getting tired. I have to finish my research for my 20 page paper and get my other paper for Classical Myth finished for Wednesday.

Sorry for the odd weekend posts, I was over scheduled but hopefully it won't happen again. Working from 10pm to 2am really isn't fun and mix that with Rely for Life from 8pm to 8am and you get DEATH!

This has been a update on my life. Have a good night and pleasant tomorrow.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 5

Sorry for the late post, but I had relay for life until 8am today and then took a long nap.

I've shaved my head for 11 $ and I think that I should have gotten a little more but oh well. It was fun last night but I have blisters on my feet now, and I am really tired. But I figured I should update my blog before falling unconscious again.

There is a picture of me half dead outside the 'batcave' of the Comix club. We were watching Ironman. Though I can't say I really like that movie or Tony Stark, but the Ironman suit is pretty badass.

My sister is angry about my shaving my head but I can tell you that it fells okay.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 4

Today was very interesting, I had of course a Schwartz class and all my others. However I find myself loving the classes even more near the end of the term. Schwartz I believe is getting crazier and more awesome by the passing moment. I found a love for the poet Herrick, and the poem ' To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time' it seemed to set off the sparks of inspiration. The following lines shot an idea for a story through me head. "The glorious lam of heaven, the sun,/The higher he's a-getting,/The sooner will his race be run,/ And nearer he's to setting." It just seems to be a line that a vampire would say to someone.

Anyways, also today in ancient Greece we spoke about the fourth century. The craziness of it was hilarious, it was politics by preschoolers.

But it is two Am, and though I just got off of work I'm tired. :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 3

I'm sorry I posted so early now, some pretty interesting things happened last night after my post.

But first introductions. Delaney and Kristina, are roommates, my friends who are going to be in the following story. Delaney plays field hockey, loves Halo and StarWars Battlefront just as much as me and is one of my better friends. Kristina is the board member in way too many clubs, she's funny and loves the same crazy movies I do.

Anyways last night Us three were going to Tops for Kristina to buy some things. We barely got 30 feet away from the parking space before we realized that the tire was flat. Then waited for Triple A to get there. This entire time of waiting was spent with me (freezing and on a sugar high) singing disco hits, and *Nsync songs. When the guy from Gary's Towing finally arrived he had an awesome beard, and was a tire ninja. The following tops adventure was filled with Kristina, Delaney and I having fun.

However moving onto today. For one my Drawing class was canceled. Yeah! For sleeping in. But even worse today I ran for a board position on WECW (the college radio station). I lost by a single vote. To a guy who joined half a term ago, I've been in WECW since freshman year. This sucks. But I might run for the P.R. position if Alyssa (who is my red-headed friend who is a spanish major and really funny) doesn't do so. She'll win.

My following depression sucked after losing. Well i suppose that depression is going to suck. But Kristina had a Overnight (a perspective student) and was having fun. We went to this weird psych experiment where I read about love and the parent/child connection which I had learned about in Intro to Psych. But now I'm waiting for a facebook reply about a paper...sorry this isn't that exciting.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 2

Morning Class at 8AM makes form some interesting conversation. Half sleeping people shuffling into the Campus Center for Major English Authors I, with Professor Schwartz. With only three weeks left in the term, dear readers you have missed many interesting things. As for today we read John Donne, and Marvell two great poets in their own right.

A friend of mine Julia, and I are the only two who seem to think that these two poets are pretty easily read and interpreted.

Oh! I have forgotten to introduce Julia, one of my newer friends. We met during our time as O.L.s this tear welcoming that class of 2013 in. She is a player of Dungeons and Dragons, and has just recently gotten into She and some others have been trying to get me to join, and truthfully I have no interest in it. She shares my major with an added English Lit. Major. We are both the class of 2012. (Yeah dooms day)

I should explain the whole class year fiasco at my school. At E.C. we must introduce ourselves with out class year, example Adriane O'Hare'12. The class year must be there, even on papers. If it is missing you lose points. Crazy right?

Back to the class, My professor is a fun guy. Love so have fun and laugh at silly things in the works we read. Such as "The Relic" He couldn't stop laughing out loud.

Authors I, if I may so myself is one of my more interesting classed because of Schwartz. He explains things in very understandable ways that are also funny. He is fun, but by no means is his class an easy 'A'. You have to work hard to get a great grade in his class. But it still is fun.

With only three weeks left in this class I'll start throwing in some Schwartz-isms, and quotes. Such as "But! There is a but, and it's a big but it has two 'T's." It makes me laugh whenever he uses these sort of things.

My second and third classes are with Heidi, my academic advisor and professor. She is a fun woman though her classes can be death. But I guess that is understandable since most of her classes are in the Classics area. After that is yoga, which I have yet to go to since it starts at 2-ish. The weather is nice out and i belive we wil be going outside. Though I'd prefer not to. There isn't much I can say about it.

I'll be tired after this day but I hope this gives a little insight into my life so far...does it?

The Schwartz quote of the day!!!

"Books are like pants, you always brings them and you always wear them."

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 1

I'm not a very selfish person from what I know. But I guess this is what this blog is about. I want to figure out what I'm going in this world. Why am I here? What do I love? This is my road to self discovery. However let me start by introducing myself.

I am Adriane, a girl who lives in New York and goes to school at Elmira College. I'm an amateur artist and writer. My major is Classical Studies, with two minors in Art and English Lit. I'm six feet tall, (naturally) blond, however my hair is always changing, with blue eyes.

My family is large, I suppose. I have three older sisters all which have at least one child. My parents are, though not always happily, married and I technically live with them in Syracuse. I have a single Aunt and Uncle who have six children. Though I don't suppose that I will be speaking very much about them.

I have many friends that will probably make some sort of appearance and might come and go as my life progresses.

I have no real clue where this blog is headed but I hope I personally will get somewhere with it's help...I'll have a living archive of my life. I might not make the same mistakes twice, (hopefully) but life is hectic.

My goal here is to write a entry everyday about my thoughts and happenings. I'll hopefully have a physical journal in my hands at all time and be able to jot down what ever thoughts glide through my head at any time.

I hope readers (however few there may be), that you will help me through this journey of life.