
Thursday, February 9, 2012

So when life gets tough...grab a sledge hammer.

Actually I am getting a little frustrated. I have photoshop, but my old tablet bucket the kickit. So I'm thinking about buying myself a bamboo tablet from Wacom. I loved using my old one to doodle and draw. It think I might be able to paint better than with my mouse. So I'm going to run it by the parental units and then we'll see.

On another hand. It's Thursday and I have no classes today, and my later Fassette date with a friend. So I'm passing time by writing and doing things that aren't really that fancy. It's all fun and such.

But video art is going horribly so I'm going to pop out a couple videos here soon, one a cooking video another as a time lapse video of me painting. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully great. >.>