
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 3

I'm sorry I posted so early now, some pretty interesting things happened last night after my post.

But first introductions. Delaney and Kristina, are roommates, my friends who are going to be in the following story. Delaney plays field hockey, loves Halo and StarWars Battlefront just as much as me and is one of my better friends. Kristina is the board member in way too many clubs, she's funny and loves the same crazy movies I do.

Anyways last night Us three were going to Tops for Kristina to buy some things. We barely got 30 feet away from the parking space before we realized that the tire was flat. Then waited for Triple A to get there. This entire time of waiting was spent with me (freezing and on a sugar high) singing disco hits, and *Nsync songs. When the guy from Gary's Towing finally arrived he had an awesome beard, and was a tire ninja. The following tops adventure was filled with Kristina, Delaney and I having fun.

However moving onto today. For one my Drawing class was canceled. Yeah! For sleeping in. But even worse today I ran for a board position on WECW (the college radio station). I lost by a single vote. To a guy who joined half a term ago, I've been in WECW since freshman year. This sucks. But I might run for the P.R. position if Alyssa (who is my red-headed friend who is a spanish major and really funny) doesn't do so. She'll win.

My following depression sucked after losing. Well i suppose that depression is going to suck. But Kristina had a Overnight (a perspective student) and was having fun. We went to this weird psych experiment where I read about love and the parent/child connection which I had learned about in Intro to Psych. But now I'm waiting for a facebook reply about a paper...sorry this isn't that exciting.

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